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St. Brigid Parish, San Diego, CA Millennial & Parish Study, Part 2 – Drill Down

April 13, 2017

Study Background and Objectives

Background – St. Brigid and nine other parishes nationwide are partnered with Parish Catalyst (organization that supports development of Catholic parishes) to spend the next 18 months focused on developing ways to reach and engage millennials in the life of the Church. One of the first goals that came from the workshop was to consult young adults and assume nothing; this study is the result of that goal.

General Research Objectives

  1. Perception: What does St. Brigid’s have to offer?
  2. Attraction: How do  we attract millennials/young people (20-35 years old) to the Catholic Church?
  3. Retention: How do we engage them in the life of the Catholic Church?

Types of Research – multi-pronged approach

  1. Written In-Pew Survey: 805 responses – 1/3 were from millennials.
  2. Listening Sessions with: Young Adults Leadership (16 participants), Young Adult Bible Study (~40 participants) and Parish Leadership (10 participants)
  3. Sacrament Survey: those preparing for Baptism (21 responses) and First Communion (43 responses)
  4. Ask-a-Friend Survey: millennials who were raised Catholic but not currently practicing (5 responses thus far)

To read the study click the link below

St. Brigid Parish Millennial and Parish Study Part 2 – Drill Down

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