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Our webinars feature one hour conversations with practitioners and experts, focused on topics relevant to parish renewal. Webinars are a great opportunity for staff development and equipping volunteer leaders. Register for an upcoming webinar or get access to our entire webinar library below.

Upcoming Webinars

All webinars begin at 11am Pacific/12pm Mountain/1pm Central/2pm Eastern
Click on the webinar title to register.

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Previous Webinars

To view previous webinars, simply register by clicking HERE. You will gain access to all webinars and resources.

The Eucharistic Revival
Featuring special guests Tim Glemkowski and Julianne Stanz. The National Eucharistic Revival is a three year, grassroots movement, encouraging Catholics to personally respond to the gift of the Eucharist. This webinar will share vision, resources and opportunities for engaging parishioners in the Eucharistic Revival. 

Leading from the Second Chair – Part 2 : Real talk with real leaders
Hear from current “second chair” leaders as they share their own challenges, experience and wisdom. Leading from the Second Chair is about leading well while serving under a primary leader. If you would like to learn how to better serve your parish while supporting your pastor, this webinar is for you!

Leading from the Second Chair – Part 1 : Author Mike Bonem
How do you help lead when you’re not the “leader”? Join author Mike Bonem and Parish Catalyst co-founder Bill Simon as we talk about how to lead well, when you’re not in charge. This will be a helpful discussion for anyone who leads others while serving under a primary leader.

Engaging Young Families
Join a panel of three family faith formation leaders as they share creative ways they are helping young families connect faith and life. This is a live webinar, featuring Q&A with the panelists.

Summer Parish Life
Summer is a challenging time for parishioner engagement! Let’s talk about creative ways to engage parishioners throughout the summer, while giving your staff and key volunteers time the rest that they need.

Staff Discipleship and Development
A dynamic discipleship parish culture starts with the pastor and the staff. Parish leaders around the country will share about how they accompany their staff personally, spiritually and professionally. Join us for an hour and develop yourself as a leader.

Creating a Discipleship Culture
Your parish culture is what you are most known for, not necessarily who you aspire to be. Every parish has a culture, but not all are intentional about creating it. Learn how to develop a parish culture where everyone from staff to visitors experience and understand your mission.

Mission, Vision & Values Matter! 
Your mission, vision and values are the foundation of your parish culture. Are they simple, clear and actionable? Learn how to create memorable statements that will guide your team and inspire your parishioners toward dynamic discipleship.

Strategic Planning That Works
Effective parish renewal efforts require thinking and working strategically. However, far too often plans fail to achieve their goals. Learn proven principles and practices for creating strategic plans that work, as well as the pitfalls of plans that fail.

The Synod – Now What?
Parishes and dioceses around the world participated in the synodal process. What will we do with what we learned and how will we respond? How can parishes make synodality a regular part of their parish culture? Join us as Catholic leaders from across the country share their learnings and ideas for creating a more listening Church.

Successful Small Groups
Small groups promote community, spiritual growth and accompaniment. Over 75% of all small group participants become more active in parish life. We’ll talk about why small groups work, how to launch them and what makes them successful.

Fall Parish ReLaunch
The fall is a great time to reengage parishioners in parish life, revitalize ministries and invite people back to mass. Hear creative ideas from parishes around the country for reengaging parishioners of all ages. Now is the time to start planning how you will use this strategic moment as a catalyst for change.

Social Justice
What do we mean when we talk about social justice? Why is it important to the Church? How can parishes help people do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God? Learn from social justice organizations and parish leaders, about how you can help parishioners impact the world for good.

Community Outreach
Reaching out and meeting practical needs in the community is a beautiful way to display the love of Christ. Good works create good will, which opens hearts to the Good News. Not only was this the example of Christ, it is also prominent in the history and the teachings of the Church. Join us to learn best practices and creative ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the community around your parish.

Parish Mergers
Whether you call them mergers, clusters or families, all over the country parishes are joining together to share resources and clergy. While many different models have emerged, there are principles and practices could help them all work better. Learn about pitfalls to avoid and opportunities to embrace when parishes merge.

Family Faith Formation – Part 2
So much is happening in Family Faith Formation that we couldn’t fit it into one webinar! Leaders from around the country share about their successes and struggles at a diocesan, parish and curriculum/content level.

Family Faith Formation
We are called to accompany the whole family in their faith journey. How can we better help them encounter Christ in today’s ever changing culture? Join us as we talk to parish leaders and experts who are walking with families as they grow in faith, together.

A Synodal Church
We are called to be a Synodal Church. What exactly does this mean and why? How does this work on a parish level? Join us as we talk to practitioners and experts who are creating Synodal experiences for parishes and diocese around the country.

Excel on Sundays: Hymns
Vibrant music is an essential part of Excelling on Sundays. Music styles, song selection, talent and technology all play important roles in helping people encounter Christ through song. Join us as we discuss how to create a great worship experience for your parish, regardless of size or budget.

Excel on Sundays: Homilies
Homilies are a key component of excelling on Sundays. Great preaching inspires and equips disciples, while eight out of ten visitors say that preaching plays a significant role in their decision to return. Learn how to better plan, prepare and deliver homilies that engage guests and make dynamic disciples.

Excel on Sundays: Hospitality
As many people are returning to mass, how will you welcome them back? Excelling on Sundays is an essential practice of Great Catholic Parishes, and it starts with Extraordinary Hospitality. From the website to worship, the parking lot to the pews, you’ll hear fresh ideas for creating an unforgettable welcome experience for visitors and parishioners alike.

Stewardship Jumpstart – Treasure
Learning to live generously is an important part of the discipleship journey. How can we help parishioners get re-engaged and re-inspired in giving? This is the second part of the Stewardship Jumpstart series, focused on helping people live generously with their “Treasure”.

Stewardship Jumpstart – Talents
Giving and serving are key practices of dynamic disciples, and over the last 14 months many people have disconnected from both. How can we get them re-engaged and re-inspired? Learn proven methods for helping parishioners grow as disciples through stewardship. This webinar focuses on talents.

ReEngage the Parish – Part 2
ReEngaging the parish is an ongoing process. As we transition out of a quarantine culture, the local parish has the opportunity to be a place of hope and connection. How can we make the most of this “kairos moment” to renew the parish?

ReEngage the Parish, Part 1
After a full year, we are beginning to emerge from the quarantine culture needed to fight COVID 19. How will you reengage parishioners who have become disconnected and welcome them home? Join us as we discuss unique ways to reach people who are at diverse comfort levels regarding in-person events and various stages in their spiritual journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to strategically envision and create the future of your parish!

Innovations in Catechesis
In our rapidly changing world, religious education must continually evolve in order to connect. Hear innovative ideas from catechetical leaders on both the parish and diocesan level.

ReImagine Lent & Easter Online, Again
From Ash Wednesday through the Triduum, we are facing yet another unique challenge in the liturgical calendar. Hear how parish leaders around the country are taking what they’ve learned in the last year and creating new ways to connect with parishioners during these holy days.

Parish Strategic Planning 2021
In this webinar you will gain strategic planning best practices and tools that can help you prepare for the future and respond to the unexpected. You will also hear how parish leaders around the country are adapting and planning to face the challenges ahead. This webinar is a one-hour investment that could have a huge impact on the next 12 months at your parish.

Mental Heath and the Quarantine Holidays
The holidays are a difficult time for some. However, this year we are entering into that season with many already experiencing isolation, disappointment and depression. How can we better prepared for the unique mental health challenges our parishioners will face this holiday season? How can we better care for ourselves?

ReThink Advent & Christmas 2020
This Advent and Christmas will be like no other. However, this is the perfect opportunity to re-engage with parishioners. How will you connect with them, both online and onsite? Get fresh ideas from parishes around the country as well as best practices for streaming and socially distanced public mass.

What are Virtual Learning Communities?
A Parish Catalyst/RENEW Virtual Learning Community brings parish leaders together to learn, collaborate and create a strategic plan for parish renewal. Watch this webinar to hear first-hand from parish leaders who have experienced growth and renewal through a Parish Catalyst Learning Community.

Stay the Course!
In an ever changing crisis, we must stay on mission. Learn keys to keeping your staff and parishioners focused on the mission of making disciples, as well as creative ways that pastors around the country are connecting with their parishioners.

ReOpening the Parish – Part 2
We continue our conversation with parish leaders around the country and hear what they are learning as they reopen for public mass. What’s working, what’s not and what’s next?

ReOpening the Parish – A National Conversation (Part 1)
Hear how parish leaders around the country are approaching the challenges of reopening. Every diocese will be different, but we can learn from how other leaders are navigating this complex issue.

From Crisis to Calling : How will we make disciples as we move ahead?
How we connect has changed, but our calling remains the same. Learn how parishes are using new models and methods to engage parishioners and make disciples in the online environment. Topics include leading staff online, virtual small groups and creative ways to minister through social media.

ReImagine Easter Online
How will you reimagine Easter online this year? Join us to discuss how to better engage with people through your online Holy Week and Easter Mass. Hear creative solutions for communications, family liturgy and online giving.

Live Streaming – Best Practices and Technology
Learn from parish leaders and experts around the country: innovative ideas for live streaming mass, online giving and digital discipleship.

Staff Health and Harmony
Learn how to develop a healthy staff culture, where people grow as disciples while working together toward a common vision. Topics covered include: Leading from a healthy soul, avoiding burnout, staff discipleship, communication and unity.

ReAwaken Your Parish @ Lent
From Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday we have an amazing opportunity to reach people who are not regularly engaged in parish life. How can we better use this holy season to connect with people and stir spiritual awakening?

Growing Volunteers
Our parishes and ministries run on volunteers, but typically a small group of people do the majority of the work. Learn how to engage more people in serving, while making the volunteer experience more fulfilling.

Generosity and Giving
Do a small percentage of your parishioners do the majority of the giving? Do most people seem to give out of obligation, rather than heartfelt generosity? Learn how you can create a culture of generous giving that meets every need for your mission.

Making Dynamic Disciples
Great Catholic parishes foster spiritual maturity in their parishioners. We also call this dynamic discipleship. Learn how to more intentionally and effectively help people grow in their faith as disciples of Jesus.

Excel on Sundays
Great Catholic parishes excel on Sunday. For most of your parishioners, and almost all of your visitors, this is the only time that they encounter your parish. In this webinar we will look at every aspect of the weekend experience, from the parking lot to the pews.

Everyday Evangelization
We are all called to share our faith, but for many it is a difficult, even scary task. This webinar will share some great tools and ideas for equipping disciples for everyday evangelization.

Between the Sacraments
Do you struggle to keep families involved in parish life after a sacrament? Learn from other leaders that are finding success in helping families engage in Parish life between the Sacraments.

Leadership Development
Great Catholic Parishes practice shared leadership. Learn how to better identify, invite, develop and deploy leaders who inspire renewal.

Extraordinary Hospitality
Learn best practices and ideas to ensure that every visitor to your parish has an unforgettable experience. Featuring Maryanne Russell – St. Brigid Parish, San Diego, California.

Multi-Cultural Parishes
Leading a multi-cultural parish has unique challenges and opportunities. We discuss his research, best practices and new ideas for making disciples in a multi-cultural environment. Featuring Dr. Brett Hoover – Author of “The Shared Parish”.

Communication & Technology
How to use websites, social media and email blasts more effectively to make disciples. 
Featuring Dan Rogers, Creative Director – Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Millennials, “Nones” and the Next Gen
Better understand emerging generations and effective strategies for reaching them. Featuring St. Mary’s Press CEO, John Vitek, author of “Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation of Young Catholics”.

Extraordinary Easter Hospitality
What if those who only come to mass a few times a year had such a great experience that they wanted to come back? Gain vision and practical tools for connecting with Easter and Ash Wednesday only Catholics. Featuring Deacon Chris Hulbert – St. Brigid Parish, San Diego, California.

Thriving Small Groups
Gain vision and learn practical steps to developing thriving small groups at your parish. Sister Terry Rickard from Renew International joins us to share Six Key Principles for Growing a Small Groups Ministry.